During the month of November 2014, Mr. Moore was asked by Major Pritchard and Chief Deputy Stanley to assist in several data retrieval projects. He found solutions to extract information from complicated databases quickly, allowing statistical information to be analyzed.
Mr. Moore consistently helps the agency with IT related issues, often going above and beyond his scope of duties. His vast knowledge is an asset, and is crucial in day to day activities of the agency. Mr. Moore has a great understanding of how IT in this agency operates. He has stepped up to learn the technology in the cars and the back end systems of the FCSO. Mr. Moore has a strong work ethic, where not only does he attempt to understand and complete everything that relates to his job title, but also is willing to help other departments with tasks that fall outside of his assigned position. Mr. Moore has helped other areas of the agency many times with active shooter training, jail mock riot training and SWAT training. Mr. Moore has been an integral member of additional projects to include:
Mr. Moore provides prompt and considerate customer service, and has a very courteous attitude towards his coworkers and contacts. His professional attitude is accompanied by a great personality which makes him enjoyable coworker. Mr. Moore is a positive example of FCSO IT.